Working in this industry for over 15 years, I HAVE REALLY SEEN IT ALL... The good, the bad, and the ugly!
Most artistry professionals working in the industry who 'have made it" know one secret. ITS letting go of their EGO and not taking anything too personal. After all, we are, at the end of the day just a
GLORIFIED SERVICE PROVIDER AFTER ALL. We are hired to service the client, not your ego.
Below I have outlined a few examples of
Positive & Negative Behaviors that you need to take into account, YOU and only YOU are responsible for the energy that you bring into YOUR work environment, so take full responsibility for the energy you put out, and also take in internally.
The following behaviours are to be used at all times when representing yourself
Active listening: Show respect by listening. Make your client feel valued and understood.
Being Adaptable: Adapt your style and personality to make your client feel comfortable.
Being Assertive: Be willing to take initiative and assist the client on anything, even if its not your specialty.
Using Positive Body Language: Show a positive attitude with an open and welcoming body language.
Being Cheerful: Even if your not, FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT! Smile, be friendly and inviting. Give the service you would want to receive. Think 5 star!
Acting Confidant: Be confidant and self assured even in ever eye movement you make. Maintain a friendly eye contact.
Being Consistent: Every client should be treated the same. Act as is he/she is your first client and is spending 1 million dollars on your services. (ACT)
Using Diplomacy: Be tactful and diplomatic. If you choose your words carefully, you will always say and do the right thing. Think before you speak, you don't have to be in a rush to give the correct answer.
Being Emotionally Stable: Practice self-control. Learn to suppress unpleasant emotions.
Being Honest: Be honest and sincere. People will always smell a fake!
Being Professional: Create a positive image. Look, act and speak professional.
Being Objective: When you are problem solving be unbiased and non-judgmental to your clients and coworkers.
Being Optimistic: Be hopeful. EXPECT the best in all situations
Being Polite: Be thoughtful and courteous. Treat others as you would like to be treated. YOU MOTHER WAS RIGHT SEE! -Always say PLEASE & THANK YOU!
Having A Positive Attitude: A positive attitude lets your client know that you are approachable and pleased to assist them.
The following behaviours are to be AVOIDED at all times.
Arguing: Never start an argument with others.
Being Dishonest: Don't lie about anything, Don't make false claims or promises.
Gossiping: Its just disgusting and very unprofessional conduct. Looked down upon in this industry.
Being Greedy: Never service the client with just money in mind.
Using Inappropriate Language: Don't use profanity or slang. Any conversation should be appropriate and friendly.
Being Apathetic: Don't be indifferent. The client may thing that you are not interested. This could result in frustration and animosity.
Being Intimidating: Never ACT SUPERIOR to the client.
Talking About Personal Problems: Don't bring them to work. It may be disruptive and bad for client and co-worker relations.
Being Sarcastic: Don't ridicule or use sarcastic remarks about other products, other professionals, services, other clients, or anything or anyone.
Customers Who Challenge: Usually a client's concerns have nothing to do with you or your service. Stay clam and don't mirror their distress. The key is to understand why he/she has become upset. This will enable you to deal with his/her concerns accordingly.
Why Do Clients Become Upset- They felt like they were not listened to, they were ignored, someone was rude to them, someone was insensitive to them, they expect more, they did not receive enough attention.
Managing A Challenging Client: 1) Stay Calm- don't take anything personal. 2) Control your emotions. 3) Listen to the real want and need of your client. Investigate that! 4) Show them that you understand. 5) Show them genuine act of wanting to help them and wanting to help then resolve the problem.
Listen- Let the client vent (voice) her/his frustration, feelings, mood, and all sorts of emotions. Don't interrupt her/his venting, just keep still, clam, and collected and be respectful. Then, politely repeat and verify what the client has said. "Ok, so you would like such and such, great, I will be happy to that for you". SMILE and GET TO WORK with a positive attitude. -You have the power to turn an ugly situation into a beautiful experience.
When there is a problem, immediately think of possible solutions. Offer the client several alternatives and ask him/her to choose one. Let them be part of the decision making.
Offer an explanation, NOT AN EXCUSE.
Try to anticipate any problems or misunderstandings before they arise. BE CLEAR so that the communication is effective, and the problem is resolved.
1. When making calls, always be prepared to ask for what you want. GET TO THE POINT! I suggest that you have a calendar, pen, and paper ready in order to have a productive and successful phone conversation.
2. Remember to smile- It really is an important emotion which can be sent through the phone. Its an instant force of energy which can positively change the tone of the conversation and the outcome!
3. Watch your tone of voice- reflect a positive attitude!
5. Speak SLOWLY so that the caller can understand you.
6. Be polite, courteous words such as please, "excuse me", "pardon me", and "thank you"
7. Be consistent- If your client or a decision maker asks you to call back on a certain day & time, respectfully call on that exact date & time, remind them that they had asked you to call them on that particular date & time. Don't forget to call back
8.Always hang up last, let your caller hang up first!
9. You will loose the caller's respect if you do not follow through with your commitment.
10. Never let the caller wait on HOLD for more than 30 seconds.
These, ladies & gentlemen are some golden rules of success and proper etiquette in our industry. The above points have been taught to be while working for MAC COSMETICS, and some I learned ALL BY MYSELF. Mostly out of experiencing these things myself. Most importantly is to pay attention and follow these rules in your every day to day business (especially if you are a free-lance makeup artist).
What you do and say can impact any outcome, so take control of your own destiny and your own path in life with the right decisions towards your path of success!
Al always, I only wish you true happiness, success, and lots of love!